Offer Your Customers Free Return Shipping By Setting A Certain Return Shipping Score Inside Your Merchants Dashboard.

Offer Your Customers Free Return Shipping By Setting A Certain Return Shipping Score Inside Your Merchants Dashboard. One thing is for sure when buying good online you have to use a shipping address and this is true with returns and showing how many returns from an address can be very valuable. 

Get charts and data on product returns and the associate address.

See what product and being returned enables you to avoid costly mishaps.

You’ll have access to a large product return information database to help you make decisions on whether to keep an order or cancel.

Being able to cancel an order of a high-value item because an address came back showing it had more than 10 product returns within 30 days is value-saving power.

See the trail of returns left behind from a returner at a certain home address. 


Find Out Where You Need to Start

Offer Free Return Shipping!

Now as a Merchants you will have the option to selects what score a consumer must have to receive free shipping.

Track Return Behavior

Merchants you now have the option to see if a consumer is a serial returner or a wardrobe/renter..

Product Return Charts!

See what, where, and why the product is making the return lines at particular locations, also who is making the returns.

Offer Return Coupon!

When a consumer receives a bad product and needs to make a return, send them offers with a coupon.

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